You know the year is coming to an end when Curt from Analogue Hobbies releases the roll call for the Painting Annual Challenge. This is a very friendly international miniature painting contest hosted by Curt (a.k.a. The Snow Lord) and his lovely wife Sarah, with the help of a bunch of voluntary minions, extending through the bleak winter months.
You score points for each painted and based mini as well as get extra points completing a set of challenges. Last year, the challenges took a twist and we were all set to explore different dwellings in the mysterious Island X; and after a great success, this year (marking the 11th year of the contest) we are bound to explore the terrifying pits and dungeons below the Island is search of the Snow Lord's Altar.
Readers of this blog (if any left, as I have much neglected posting in 2020) may remember that I usually plan a core project for the Challenge: for example, last year was a German Blitzkrieg Army for Chain of Command... which incidentally was abandoned middle of the way for the lure of Ancient Romans and Gauls for Infamy! Infamy!
For this year's Challenge my only plan is not a major new army. COVID and the lack of in-person games have deteriorated my appetite for painting minis. Therefore, I decided to search in my boxes and drawers, collecting the remnants of all those projects never completed over the years.
I'm amazed about the huge number of long forgotten blisters, boxes and models that I had in store. Projects won't be a problem: Napoleonic Austrians and French, 2WW German Fallschirmjagers, British Red Devils, Ancient Romans, Gauls, Britons and Germanic tribes, Spanish Civil War International Brigades... and many, many vehicles of all sizes and periods, from ancient chariots to Vietnam-era helicopters.
I'll try to keep regular postings of my progress with the Challenge, starting on December 21st. Hope also this marks a return o blogging, although I cannot promise much at this stage.