Arguably blogging activity has been in general decay for more than 5 years now, replaced by other social media tools enabling quick /rapid consumption and massive attention/reactions from the community. This has been my case too: I started in Twitter in 2013 initially as a way to promote my blog, but I increasingly turned my attention and effort there, and finally abandoned blogging entirely.
However, the recent Musk-related turmoil in Twitter had made me rethink my presence (or not!) in social media and whether it made some sense to come back to blogging. As many other people I'm utterly fed up of the contaminated atmosphere of Twitter and what real value brings reading lots of short 250 characters snipets throught the day. I have tried Mastodon but don't see any advantage to Twitter and have never being attracted by Facebook.
Blogging is totally the opposite to Twitter et alt. Here you need to put your mind and concentration in what you want to convey to readers. Each post is much more ellaborated and thought. Blogging can be easily isolated from politics, and while the target audience is significantly narrower, trolls can be kept at bay while achieving engagement from truly interested readers. In summary a muche superior overall experience for me and for the interested reader (I hope).
My plan therefore is to resurect this blog afteer to neglecting years. I won't committ (at least for now) to a specific publication schedule, let's keep expectations right. Topics will not be too different of those in past: wargaming, military history and related items.
I remain a devoted fan of Toofatlardies, that's not changing and expect to see lots of related posts. But my wargaming interests have evolved over the past two years and now I devote much time to boardgaming too. In truth this is going back to my gaming origins in 1980, when Panzerblitz (my baptism of firre) literally throwed me into this hobby. I'm also now involved in Saga the ancient/dark age period rules, participating in a campaign with other 6 members of my local club.
In the very short term expect to see posts from the Saga campaign and also from my participation in Curt Campbell's Annual Painting Challenge in its 13th edition this winter (you can see my mobile painting office in the photo heading this post).
As usual, feel freee to leave comments. Will get in contact again soon .